Skills or Talents

Picked a “blog prompt” for today: Write about three skills or talents you have that serve you well.

Tough call … not sure what to pick or how to classify them.

1. creativity – for crafts and such… y’know… making amazing things with yarn… and sometimes scrapbooking… and maybe other crafts…. a few that might involve fabric… not paint though, I’m not good at that. Let’s throw the power tools into this section too. I’ve made a swing set and a castle… hung shelves… built a Christmas Village Stand… tunnel to the cat coop (though that needs some tweaking this spring)…

2. technology – I’m pretty adapt at technology… in fact, at work they think I’m a wizard because I can make amazing copies on the copy machine and enlarge things too! Makes me laugh every time someone compliments me on that. I just can. Probably comes from all those years I helped my mom out when she worked at the conference office in the print room. I can copy, collate, laminate, enlarge, staple, make a booklet…. I can do things on a computer too… make documents, booklets, power points, charts…. I can run the dvr, dvd player, roku, smart tv, cd player, ipad, kindle, and set those things up too….

3. I’m not sure what to put for the third. I have other skills/talents but are they top 3 quality? I can cook a decent meal. I have some musical ability. I can organize things (not my garage at the moment, but hopefully this spring). I can plan a party or a campout. I can raise some pretty amazing daughters! THAT ONE! That’s probably the talent that has served me well the most. I do have some amazing daughters!!!

I’d be interested to hear what you think my skills or talents are.

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